Gaining Valuable Knowledge About Successful Home Businesses

The benefits of running your own home business are very obvious, but what is often overlooked are the subtle problems that will be encountered along the way. You can never predict each change in law, technology, or the business world; however, you can prepare yourself with advice that allows you to adapt and move with…

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Business Growth: What To DO When Business Is Slow

Business will be dull whether you like it or not, so get used to it! Sometimes, if the cause is within your control, you could do something about it. At other times, when things are outside your control, there may be nothing you can do. Fortunately for you, this unusual article is about the things…

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So You Are Thinking About Changing Your Business Name

1. Answer these questions first: a. Does my current business name properly represent what I’m offering customers & clients? b. Have my artistic services changed since I first opened my business? c. Would a new name help open more doors for my artwork and will the change be worth all the hassles in the end?…

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